UX Strategy/Workshops

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UX Strategy/Workshops

Leading teams to explore best practices, user persona/customer journeys, user experience improvements and recommendations

​UX workshop leadership (website)
While employed at AmeriHealth Caritas, a Medicaid managed care organization based in Philadelphia, I took the initiative to lead a patient journey workshop for the purpose of identifying roadblocks and areas for improvement of user experience on entity website(s). This was outside of the scope of my job and it was not requested by management. I felt, however, along with my colleagues, that we could collectively benefit from thinking more deeply about who our users were, how they were interacting with content, and what kinds of transactions they were attempting to make.

Here are highlights from the UX strategy workshop along with our collective UX and web content recommendations. 

UX workshop leadership (email redesign)
While employed at Lincoln Financial Group, I was charged with leading an email redesign project from a UX perspective. The redesign approach was for Lincoln Financial emails to its hundreds of individual advisors. The team included a web designer as well as a web dev/email producer. For this project, we each researched best practices for email, including mobile, which at the time was just starting to become more prominent. I led the group as follows:

  • Identify key areas / best practices you’d like to see 
  • Mock up your vision of a revised email layout
  • Come prepared to discuss / explain your thought processes

When we posted our three mock-ups side-by-side, we were surprised to see how similar they were! 
We talked through each one, discussing what we liked about certain aspects or preferred vs. another. Then we pulled the “best of” all three together into a single mock-up, which became the prototype for the new email newsletter to Lincoln Financial advisors.